Telework, the new normal for millions of people 

Francisco Vazquez |  Founder of 3g office


The pandemic we are experiencing has made telework the new normal for millions of people and it is foreseeable that it will gain relevance in the future.

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COVID-19 has not only put our healthcare system in tension, but has also come to question the traditional model of face-to-face work that exists in most companies.

The growing adoption of telework by many organizations in recent days has shown how technology can promote another way of working more committed to reconciliation and the environment, and more adequate to respond to crises like the one we are facing. 

Before the current health crisis, flexible work, which includes teleworking as one of its tools, was already a reality in many organizations, which has helped them through this crisis more normally and has allowed them to be fully operational remotely. Flexible working models are different for each organization and respond more to a new reality than to a will to change.

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Flexible work must necessarily be reflected in an evolution of space design towards flexible offices, which respond to many of the companies’ needs: sustainability, well-being, talent retention, flexibility, collaborative work, productivity, inclusion…


In addition, this new office model also contributes to optimizing operating costs, by a reduction of space that can vary between 20 and 40%.


At 3g office, as a company specialized in flexible office design, we want to help organizations implement these new office models. For this reason, we offer a free initial advice to help them in the first part of their plan towards getting an orderly process and achieving a zero impact on the income statement.
If you are interested you can send an email to

Francisco Vázquez

Founder of 3g office

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